luni, 26 decembrie 2011

Lanvin-Spring Summer 2012 Full Fashion Show

I love this collection.Is the dark side of Lanvin,the most emblematic maison of fashion in French.The collectios is a tale of angels and demons...I think is a construction between the masculine and femenine concepts..creating an ambiguous and dramatic style..very beautifull and sexy and strong but very very LANVIN..

sâmbătă, 24 decembrie 2011


I get a temporary case of tourettes because all I can say are four letter words in a four octave-range screaming...

joi, 22 decembrie 2011

Warrior queen

I'm gonna marry the night
I won't give up on my life
I'm a warrior queen
I'm a soldier to my own emptiness

duminică, 18 decembrie 2011

Romania Peasant Blouse

"I've streamlined things more this season.I think I'm very classic,because what I do is always based on something you've seen before.And yes...maybe there's something YSL about it.When I left off designing for women,I was at YSL so I'm working through that to be me,asking myself,what do I like ? What defines your brand ?"-confessed Tom Ford to Vogue.

Romania Peasant Blouse is already famous for inspiring artists worldwide,as Matisse and Yves Saint Laurent.Tom Ford did a wonderful job,too(he always knows precisely what the women need).

joi, 15 decembrie 2011

My vice

Art at its greatest.You can see and feel the pain needed to creat it in every brush stroke,hammer hit or coal scetch.

marți, 13 decembrie 2011

Despre prevederea omeneasca

"Dar cand orgoliul e ranit,din el ia nastere ceva mai bun decat orgoliul.Pentru ca viata sa arate bine,jocul ei trebuie jucat;si-i trebuie pentru acesta buni actori.Toti vanitosii - asa cred eu - sunt buni actori: cand joaca ei vor sa-i bucure pe cei care-i privesc; intregul spirit li se aduna in vointa-aceasta.Se pun in scena si se inventeaza pe ei insisi; in preajma lor,spectacolul vietii imi place - te vindeca de prea multa melancolie.De-aceea-i crut pe vanitosi,pentru ca ei sunt medicii tristetii mele,ma fac sa fiu legat de om ca de-un spectacol.Si pe deasupra,cine poate sa masoare la vanitosi intreaga adancime a modestiei lor! Eu ii iubesc si ii deplang pentru aceasta modestie.Noi le suntem de trebuinta,ca sa invete-a crede in ei insisi;ei isi iau hrana din privirea noastra.Ei cred toate minciunile miraculoase despre ei:caci in adancul inimii suspina:"ce sunt eu oare ?" - Friedrich Nietzsche - "Asa grait-a Zarathustra"

duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

In tune with my mood

Where the fuck is my mind ?

sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2011


I was born in the mud but I came out clean,don't never ever let 'em kill your dream,stand tall,live your life to the limit cause haterism seem like a fucking epidemic.

vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

fuckin' deja vu's..

Oh my God,how simple life is...In a relationship,you're either loved or not.So be smart and notice it as soon as possible,before get your heart broken.

duminică, 4 decembrie 2011


It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away...I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged.

duminică, 27 noiembrie 2011

Emil Cioran

"Câţi imbecili şi nebuni am putut să admir!Când mă gândesc la trecutul meu,mă copleşeşte ruşinea.Atâtea entuziasme care mă descalifică."

miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2011


Shall I go ?
Shall I stay ?
107 light years away,many times, so many doubts...
but no reason to talk about...
but it's time to go away,Goodbye,Goodbye Milky way!

duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011


“Vedeţi steaua aceea ?
-Nu,i-a raspuns cardinalul.
-Ei bine,a adăugat Napoleon,cât timp voi fi singurul care o vede îmi voi urma drumul şi nu voi suporta obiecţii."-Octavian Paler

Evit oamenii care incearca sa ma indrepte spre un alt druml,care ma judeca fara sa ma inteleaga sau sa ma cunoasca,care ma impiedica.Nu-mi plac oamenii fara vise si teluri pentru ca mereu ma simt goala in jurul lor.Incerc sa ma apropriu de oamenii care ma ajuta sa evoluez.Care ma provoaca,ma determina sa-mi depasesc limitele si care ma obliga sa dau dovada de curaj.Putini sunt aceia care mi-au vazut steaua,care nu mi-au judecat drumul,ci m-au incurajat.Eu cred ca suntem lasati in aceasta lume cu un scop bine definit,care poate parea marunt pentru altii sau,dimpotriva,maret si notat in istorie.Si,in egala masura,cred ca dimensiunea destinului nostru poate fi masurata numai de catre cei cu minte ingusta fiindca,intr-un final,nu exista scopuri mici,ci doar fapte notate in documente oficiale.
Atunci cand reactia corpului meu mi-a fost atat de puternica,am inceput sa tremur de emotie..pentru ca stiam ca traiesc un miracol,de acum viata imi va fi o lupta,plina de provocari si,dintr-un motiv necunoscut mie,am primit cel mai frumos dar,pe care il voi aprecia toata viata..

vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011

Alexander McQueen Spring/Summer 2012 Backstage film

"I was thinking about a woman as an object of desire.We go to such lengths to adorn ourselves that we almost become our clothes or are taken over by them.This is a collection about EXCESS - an exploration of IDEALS of beauty at their most EXTREME." - Sarah Burton,Creative Director of Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen introduces a short backstage film,created by young filmmaker Sean Frank,featuring exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of Sarah Burton and the Alexander McQueen team preparing for the Spring/Summer 2012 runway show,which took place during Paris Fashion Week 4th October, 2011.
The sheer amount of intricate detail in this show,from the head pieces to the hair braiding to the manicures,is impressive.Getting to see the small details up close and then at the end as the final product walks the runway is a revelation,and a reminder of why we love fashion in the first place.

miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011

Blumarine Fall Winter 2011-2012

Interesting color and texture of collection.Beige and grey tones compares with bright color.It is typical of BLUMARINS style,but seems very stylish and great.

duminică, 13 noiembrie 2011

Erase and rewind

Now I'm in the place I always blamed..
God have his ways of making us feel like shit,erase the ego in the tendencies.I guess the lesson is pretty clear:don't judge anymore.Very soon it might be you on the other side..Judge not,and neither condemn,for you know not why a thing occurs,nor to what end.And remember you this:that which you condemn will condemn you,and that which you judge,you will one day become....

joi, 10 noiembrie 2011

Friedrich Nietzsche

"O foame se naşte din frumuseţea mea: aş vrea să fac rău celor pe care-i luminez; aş vrea să despoi pe cei pe care îi umplu de daruri - atât de foame mi-e de răutate."

sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011

Jeanne Moreau

"I don't like going where I've already been.Life is a myriad of territories to discover.I don't want to waste time with what I already know."

miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011


Ce-i arta ? Eu cred ca nimeni nu o poate defini,fiecare o vede si o simte diferit.Arta nu are definitie.O putem compara la nesfarsit cu tot felul de idealuri,frumuseti,stari,trairi,senzatii si sentimente,insa niciodata nu-i vom gasi o definitie perfecta.In arta totul e mister,putini oameni inteleg mesajul unei opere de arta..rari sunt aceia care observa marturisirile adevarate ale creatorului.Toata creatia artistului e o spovedanie,un autoportret,pentru ca in momentul in care el incepe sa creeze,transpune automat sufletul in creatie,isi descarca bucuria,placerile,gandurile,suferinta,absolut tot ce exista in el,in ceea ce realizeaza.Un artist adevarat isi va darui toata viata acestei placeri,de a crea.Niciodata nu se va satura,va fi din ce in ce mai insetat,la fel ca Michelangelo-“arta pentru mine e un chin,o agonie cand merge prost,un extaz cand merge bine;dar intotdeauna ma subjuga.Cand termin o zi de lucru sunt ca o pastaie seaca.Tot ce-a fost in mine se afla acum in marmura sau fresca.Iata de ce n-am nimic de dat in alte parte.”Unui asemeni artist,cu timpul,ii vor disparea trepat toate celelalte motivari si satisfactii care nu au legatura cu arta.Va trai si va respira prin arta.Se va izola si va crea in singurate,insa niciodata nu va constientiza acest lucru.Va fugi de lume in lumea creata de el,va frange poate inimi pentru ca nu va sti niciodata sa se daruieasca total iubirii.Va fugi de iubire pentru ca o considera cel mai mare dusman al artei.Pentru ca,la fel si iubirea,cere totul,nu-ti mai lasa de dat nimic in alta parte.Artistul va trai peste nicaieri,nu va ramane niciodata intr-un singur loc.Se va desparti usor de locuri si oameni,va cauta mereu ceva nou care sa-l inspire…ii va fi usor,pentru ca are puterea de a se adapta oriunde,insa niciodata nu va fi prezent cu toata fiinta lui in lumea normala.Isi va purta in spate lumea creata de el oriunde va merge,dar sufletul lui va ramane mereu inchis in acea lume,chiar daca corpul ii va fi prezent.O parte din artist nu va muri niciodata,pentru ca operele de arta sunt nemuritoare.

"Nimeni n-ar trebui sa se faca artist numai pentru ca e in stare sa fie,ci numai cand simte ca n-ar mai putea trai altfel.Arta e facuta numai pentru cei ce s-ar simti nenorociti fara ea."-Irving Stone,"Agonie si extaz"

luni, 31 octombrie 2011


"You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola,and you know that the President drinks Coke,Liz Taylor drinks Coke,and just think,you can drink Coke,too.A coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking.All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good." - Andy Warhol
FUCK COCA-COLA,you eat my health!

miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011


Why can't I be someone free,restricted in bonds,delightful,be subjected to these joys,these pleasures of modern society ? Because I am restricted.My pains are inflicted,measured,steadily..

luni, 17 octombrie 2011

Alexander Mcqueen

"People find my things sometimes aggressive.But I don’t see it as aggressive.I see it as romantic,dealing with a dark side of personality.”

sâmbătă, 15 octombrie 2011


Where is that girl with big dreams and high expectations because I just can't see her in the mirror anymore ?

luni, 10 octombrie 2011

Steve Jobs

"In cinstea nebunilor,rebelilor, cinstea celor care vad lucrurile diferit,care nu sunt legati de reguli.Ii puteti cita,nu puteti fi de acord cu ei,ii puteti glorifica sau defaima,dar singurul lucru pe care nu il puteti ignora este faptul ca ei sunt cei care schimba lucrurile...Ei imping rasa umana la evolutie si,in timp ce unii ii considera nebuni,noi ii vedem ca adevarate genii,pentru ca acestia care sunt suficient de nebuni incat sa creada ca pot schimba lumea sunt cei care o schimba cu adevarat."

duminică, 9 octombrie 2011

History of nightlife

What an interesting concept.A history of a people,told not through their daily travails and successive political upheavals,but via the changes in their nightly celebrations and unwindings.History is,in this telling, accompanied by a bottle of Malbec,dancing,and gossip.It's direction,the way people live,is determined on half-lit streets,in bars,and in smoky late-night restaurants.

This history is inscribed in songs,on menus,via half-remembered conversations,love affairs,drunken fights,and years of drug abuse..

miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011

Marc Jacobs interview:the Louis Vuitton Woman

"I think the Louis Vuitton woman wants to be seen,she wants to be noticed."(Marc Jacobs)


There's definitely something about that I found you.Should,I let go or should I hold you ? I don't know if I really know you.

luni, 3 octombrie 2011

Karl Lagerfeld

"I like today and perhaps a little future still,but the past is really something I'm not interested in.So,as far as I'm concerned,I like only the past of things and people I don't know.When I know,I don't care because I knew how it was."

sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011


I acted like a good girl.
That makes me good,even though WHAT I WANTED was as bad as the devil ?

marți, 27 septembrie 2011

Milan Montenapoleone store reopening,Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton celebrates its savoir-faire and the creativity of Marc Jacobs' ready-to-wear collections with an exhibition curated by Katie Grand.

joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Anais Nin

"...n-o să mă cunoşti niciodată prin trecutul meu,ci numai prin ceea ce sunt pentru tine şi cu tine;şi asta pentru că tu,aşa cum eşti,scoţi la iveală tot ce e mai bun în mine;exorcizezi şi aduci la suprafaţă un eu pe care alţii nu l-au cunoscut.Şi nu vreau să spun că voi înceta să fiu ceea ce sunt,pentru că am multe să-ţi dăruiesc."

duminică, 18 septembrie 2011

Live my life

I sold my soul to the open road.Now..I'm not afraid of anything,and I've got the whole world in front of me...

vineri, 16 septembrie 2011

Rei Kawakubo/fashion today

“I don't feel too excited about fashion today.People just want cheap fast clothes and are happy to look like everyone else.”

Fashion is something you attach to yourself,put on,and through that interaction the meaning of it is born.Without the wearing of it,it has no meaning,unlike a piece of art.It is fashion because people want to buy it now,because they want to wear it now,today.Fashion is only the right now.

luni, 12 septembrie 2011

Outstanding summer

Stoned-in-love.With me..
I think this year 2011 will pass as the best I ever had!

Nothing's blurry

Now I stand here with virtue,of course I could hurt you,simply with my point of view,and I knew...that many would come,that's why I've chosen,to cut off pathways,and there's no runways or doorways open...for the jokers who ain't focused.And all the fake mercenaries get buried by the tongue of terrifying fury.Nothing's blurry,fuck it..I got no worries ! Hearts and minds,shine bright light with insight.Yeah sense my birthright to set up cyphers with power,cause mad shit ain't right...

sâmbătă, 10 septembrie 2011

New feelings

I stumbled into you,accidentally..and yet,feels as though you were,sent to me…That we were meant to be.Together and grow with,each other..through the centuries.

marți, 6 septembrie 2011

Hello there

All your beliefs can fade.All at once.
But when that happens... what's the substitute ?
Having none ?
Or believing the opposite ?

duminică, 4 septembrie 2011

Strange feelings

I fear being like everyone I hate,I fear failure,I fear losing control.I love balancing between chaos and control with everything I do.I always have a fear of going one way or another,getting lost in something,or losing everything to get lost in.And I fear being a completely acceptable sheep in society.

now..I live a hell of a life...but it's so good!

vineri, 2 septembrie 2011

John Lennon

"Nu voi schimba modul in care arat sau modul in care ma simt pentru a ma conforma la ceva.Intotdeauna am fost un ciudat.Deci am fost un ciudat toata viata si trebuie sa traiesc cu asta.Sunt unul dintre acei oameni."

Lanvin-fall winter 2011/2012

one of my favorite collection...amazing!

marți, 30 august 2011

Restutio in integrum

Could you ever ? you ruined so much..I can see you're trying,but I want us the way we were.

joi, 25 august 2011

Shitty love

I have been thinking a lot about growing up and all of the relationships and broken hearts we go through. I always wonder how many times I said "I love you" to someone and knew I didn't mean it.It makes me think about all of the people that have said they love me and didn't mean it as well,and I get really pissed off,because I hate when people lie.I mean,if they were lying to get in my pants,that is one thing,but just for the sake of dragging this heart through the mud.I don't think anyone has ever used me for my body,and that really,really hurts.It really does.I want to be a booty call.Isn't that what we all want out of life; to be someone's "go to" sex slave? I forgot what I was talking about,oh yeah,LOVE,Love sucks!!