miercuri, 30 decembrie 2009

Shift back to good again

Am invatat ieri ca in final nu conteaza cat de mult ti-ai dori,CONTEAZA CE ALEGI.Mi-am dovedit tot ieri ca mi-am invins setea de superficialitate si ca am cu totul alte valori,mult mai profunde,acum.M-a ajutat, cu siguranta,el cand telepatic,m-a sunat sa-mi reaminteasca cine sunt.Sunt mandra de mine in aceeasta dimineata.Devin omul care vreau sa devin.

luni, 28 decembrie 2009

All I need in this life of sin,it's me and my boyfriend

If I was your girlfried,
I'll be there for you,if somebody hurts you,
Even if that somebody is me
Yeah-hee (break it down for'em)
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be
And so I put this on my life
Nobody or nothing will ever come between us

And I promise I'll give my life
and all of my trust if you was my boyfriend
Put this on my life
The air that I breathe in,all that I believe in
I promise I'll give my life
my love and my trust if you was my boyfriend!

duminică, 27 decembrie 2009

Changing karma ?

M-am obisnuit sa fac tot ceea ce imi propun,din cauza ca lucrurile nu veneau niciodata singure,ci trebuia sa lupt pentru ele.De asta listele,de asta obiectivele prea inalte.Acum stiu ca se poate.Lupt mult pentru ceea ce vreau,pentru ce ma face fericita,sunt obisnuita sa trec prin viata singura,cu un zambet pe fata si fara sa-i necajesc pe ceilalti cu problemele care-mi provoaca insomnii.Toate razboaiele au loc in capul meu.
Si aleg in fiecare zi jumatatea plina a paharului cu ser anestezic.

miercuri, 23 decembrie 2009

Marturisire tarzie

Am petrecut cativa ani negand ca e ceva in neregula cu mine.M-am prefacut la moda si adaptabila lui "ca lumea". O reusisem un timp.
Acum imi petrec zilele incercand sa ma redescopar "eu, aia altfel".

Ai loc langa mine, voi imparti cu tine multe...dar nu persoana mea!

marți, 22 decembrie 2009


But somehow I always got some weed to smoke
And if I dont I'll still get you high
With my love under the moon sky
21 years young gotta limited time
Because we livin to die
So I'm livin it right...

luni, 21 decembrie 2009


She tooked my hand and said: "follow me in the light"

I followed her down the hallway, starting to think in a different colour,until the walls screamed with his voice:"I'm sad because you are leaving."

Can't erase what I feel

Nice..to know you “when you lose something you can't replace....”.Yeah,but when you lose a piece of shit you can always replace it with something better!

sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009

Si daca tot m-am imbatat..

E momentul sa ma iau aiurea.Imi plac tare mult momentele mele de rascruce. Toata invalmaseala si necunostiinta. E infinit mai dulce sa-ti recalculezi principiile, sa nu te recunosti de la saptamana la saptamana.Ascult constiinciosa batalia din mintea mea si ii acord respectul cuvenit.

Sleepless night

All that I could think about was us and the way that only you know how to touch me.I try to move on but I know I'm just fooling myself.Don't wanna be kissed,touched,loved or give my heart to someone else.Again...

vineri, 18 decembrie 2009

C'est tout ce que j'aime!

Parler d'amour,c'est faire l'amour.
Ton amour.

joi, 17 decembrie 2009

Look at her..gorgeos

Behind the smile, there's the wish. The wild wish, blamed but wanted. The wish so gentil and blonde...I'm inlove with the feeling, with her taste and her provocative touch."I wanna kiss you in Paris", says the song. But I wanna kiss you everywhere. Every single inch of your body...And every atom of your anatomy. God...
You make me wild in a innocent way, in a egocentric way. Is just like I'm hugging myself.And kissing her was like kissing the mirror at the age 12... Soft, silky and emotional.I wonder what could happend. Us and some... pills.Lonely feeling, I thought. Weird me, I thought.
But no, she's me. And I'm her. And she's mine. And I'm hers.

duminică, 13 decembrie 2009

I don't like the drugs but the drugs like me!

You and I are underdosed and we're ready to fall
Raised to be stupid, taught to be nothing at all.

vineri, 4 decembrie 2009


Oh lord make me pure but not yet!