vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

Just Jack-snowflakes

Becoming more confused
Do you sometimes feel
like you’ve been used and abused
Your not visibly black and blue
But on the inside bruised
And does your love life
leave you feeling kinda bemused
You’ve played all the games
And you’re no longer amused...

And are you still satisfied with the pathways you chose
or would you like to go back
and rewrite the old prose.

luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

And you do

Be thankful for every heartbreak,for they were planned.They come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you,and then leave.Their purpose is to shake you up,tear apart your ego a little bit,show you your obstacles and addictions,break your heart open so new light can get in,make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life.

marți, 18 ianuarie 2011

On and on

Deadonthesofa,formerly known as a proper human being,hasn't done anything but being dead on the sofa all of the daytime and going out at night.But by now,watching television and being on-line has got boring.So Deadonthesofa started to think about it's life and asked itself the questions of life.Hours later,after contemplating about it's current family/dating/friends situation,Deadonthesofa came to the conclusion that by its mid-30s,it will probably have invested a small fortune in therapy and laughed about it's thoughts.

miercuri, 12 ianuarie 2011

I'm so sorry for you,my love...

Forgot education,then left school,his life had no rules,bunning zoots,shotting weed he was no less fool,but the time come to regret...It's too late.I stood by you through all of this,but I can't watch you self-destruct any longer.
Your love tried to kill me!

sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011

Despre trecut

De fiecare data cand ma gandeam la trecut,imi puneam intrebarea daca e bine sa-l tot analizez in cautarea greselilor si a momentelor pe care mi-ar fi placut sa nu se intample ? Sau e mai intelept sa las uitarea sa se asterne peste toate aceste intamplari,suferinte si greseli si sa ma gandesc doar la progres trecand doar sub tacere ? Am ajuns sa fac parte dintre cei care se uita cu mindrie inapoi la trecut.Sigur ca am lasat in urma compromisuri,iubiri,esecuri si episoade triste.Sunt o multime de bariere pe care le socotesc de netrecut.Imi privesc trecutul fara regrete si ma socotesc unic responsabil de ceea ce mi s-a intamplat,bine si rau.Pentru cei care mi-au infrumusetat viata le datorez recunostinta,pentru ceea ce a fost trist ori neplacut nu impart cu nimeni vinovatia.Pana acum nu fusesem indeajuns de puternica pentru a face fata lucrurilor pe care nu le puteam controla.Sa evit durerea.Intotdeauna umana si slaba,singurul lucru pe care fusesem in stare sa-l fac era sa merg mai departe,sa indur si sa supravietuiesc.Am suferit destul pentru a invata sa-mi folosesc ranile spre binele meu si sa nu le mai las sa ma distruga.Cu timpul am reusit sa-mi controlez nelinistea si sa merg mai departe,privind altcumva spre trecut.Fac parte dintre cei care cred ca destinul este propria noastra capodopera desavirsita individual.Nu cred ca viata este nedreapta,cred ca este asa cum ne-o construim noi singuri,fiecare pentrul el insusi!Am ajuns sa nu mai privesc in spate,ci in jurul meu,sa caut modele care sa ma inspire,de la care sa preiau si sa invat,sa imprumut repere aflate mai sus decat ceea ce stiu eu in fiecare moment.Iar pe ceilalti nu-i judec dupa trecutul lor,ci mai degraba dupa evolutia lor.Imi plac oamenii care isi depasesc conditia,care traiesc pana la limite,dar nu dincolo de limite,care isi implinesc vise indraznete,imi plac victoriosii momentului.Pe masura ce m-am maturizat,am inceput sa ma relaxez.Eram torturata de anumite lucruri.Acum ma descurc foarte bine sa-mi blochez lucrurile dureroase si inutile din memorie,sa iau doar ce imi este folositor din trecut.

vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

Help me!

It's horrible.I thought that if I could finally say it that everything would change, but he is just as selfish and solace as ever.Only a masochist could ever love such as narcissist.

duminică, 2 ianuarie 2011

My dark side

Perhaps I was addicted to tha dark side.Somewhere inside my childhood I missed my heart die...

sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2011

Dear whoever...

As we grow up,we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down,probably will.You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them,and you'll cry because time is flying by.So take too many pictures,laugh too much...forgive freely,and love like you've never been hurt.Life comes with no guarantees,no time outs,no second chances. You just have to live life to the fullest,tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off,speak out,dance in the pouring rain,hold someone's hand,comfort a friend,fall asleep watching the sun come up,stay up late,be a flirt,and smile until your face hurts.Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all,live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

Dear whoever is reading this,you are beautiful and someone out there is crazy about you.So smile,life is too short to be unhappy!