miercuri, 30 decembrie 2009
Shift back to good again

luni, 28 decembrie 2009
All I need in this life of sin,it's me and my boyfriend

I'll be there for you,if somebody hurts you,
Even if that somebody is me
Yeah-hee (break it down for'em)
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be
And so I put this on my life
Nobody or nothing will ever come between us
And I promise I'll give my life
and all of my trust if you was my boyfriend
Put this on my life
The air that I breathe in,all that I believe in
I promise I'll give my life
my love and my trust if you was my boyfriend!
duminică, 27 decembrie 2009
Changing karma ?
M-am obisnuit sa fac tot ceea ce imi propun,din cauza ca lucrurile nu veneau niciodata singure,ci trebuia sa lupt pentru ele.De asta listele,de asta obiectivele prea inalte.Acum stiu ca se poate.Lupt mult pentru ceea ce vreau,pentru ce ma face fericita,sunt obisnuita sa trec prin viata singura,cu un zambet pe fata si fara sa-i necajesc pe ceilalti cu problemele care-mi provoaca insomnii.Toate razboaiele au loc in capul meu.
Si aleg in fiecare zi jumatatea plina a paharului cu ser anestezic.
Si aleg in fiecare zi jumatatea plina a paharului cu ser anestezic.
miercuri, 23 decembrie 2009
Marturisire tarzie
Am petrecut cativa ani negand ca e ceva in neregula cu mine.M-am prefacut la moda si adaptabila lui "ca lumea". O reusisem un timp.
Acum imi petrec zilele incercand sa ma redescopar "eu, aia altfel".
Ai loc langa mine, voi imparti cu tine multe...dar nu persoana mea!
Acum imi petrec zilele incercand sa ma redescopar "eu, aia altfel".
Ai loc langa mine, voi imparti cu tine multe...dar nu persoana mea!
marți, 22 decembrie 2009
luni, 21 decembrie 2009
She tooked my hand and said: "follow me in the light"
I followed her down the hallway, starting to think in a different colour,until the walls screamed with his voice:"I'm sad because you are leaving."
I followed her down the hallway, starting to think in a different colour,until the walls screamed with his voice:"I'm sad because you are leaving."
sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009
vineri, 18 decembrie 2009
joi, 17 decembrie 2009
Look at her..gorgeos

You make me wild in a innocent way, in a egocentric way. Is just like I'm hugging myself.And kissing her was like kissing the mirror at the age 12... Soft, silky and emotional.I wonder what could happend. Us and some... pills.Lonely feeling, I thought. Weird me, I thought.
But no, she's me. And I'm her. And she's mine. And I'm hers.
duminică, 13 decembrie 2009
vineri, 4 decembrie 2009
marți, 1 decembrie 2009
luni, 30 noiembrie 2009
Lost & found
It tastes like fear and sex and everything else that you’ve ever felt. It tastes like everything that’s right in the world, and everything that’s wrong with me.It tastes like the lie I tell myself when I say that I can trust you.We’re all just sedated.Watch, love,I swear it won’t last! Somewhere in the space between we dropped ourselves.I’d always hoped you’d be my lost & found.
joi, 26 noiembrie 2009
Arta Louis Vuitton

"Moda,luxul,arta si arhitectura se unesc si propun o noua viziune asupra lumii,care ne scoate din realitatea obisnuita.Arta contemporana ne ofera un punct de vedere original.Iar arhitectura moderna,strins legata de lumea luxului,joaca un rol-cheie in definirea numelui Louis Vuitton in peisajul actual.Cred ca poti numara pe degete brand-urile care au reusit sa stearga atitea granite intre creatia contemporana si industria luxului" (Yves Carcelle)
Inventatoare a unui nou tip de arta,cea a artei de a calatori cu stil,Casa Louis Vuitton s-a remarcat inca de la inceputurile sale din anul 1854 printr-o slabiciune pentru colaborari cu cei mai de succes decoratori,ingineri,pictori,fotografi si designeri ai momentului.Aceasta apropiere a fost mentinuta de succesorii lui Louis Vuitton si s-a transformat de-a lungul vremurilor intr-o adevarata traditie.Apogeul a fost atins odata cu venirea lui Marc Jacobs la conducerea artistica a Casei,in 1997.Pasionat de arta contemporana,el i-a invitat sa i se alature pe unii dintre cei mai cunoscuti artisti ai epocii.
Antologia Louis Vuitton:Art,Fashion and Arhitecture prezinta o selectie de lucrari realizate de 80 de nume importante din moda,arhitectura,design si fotografie in colaborare cu Louis Vuitton.
Multe lucrari semnate de nume ca Ron Arad,Robert Wilson,Philippe Starck,Azzedine Alaia,Rei Kawakubo sau Zaha Hadid.
Antologia Louis Vuitton:Art,Fashion and Arhitecture prezinta o selectie de lucrari realizate de 80 de nume importante din moda,arhitectura,design si fotografie in colaborare cu Louis Vuitton.
Multe lucrari semnate de nume ca Ron Arad,Robert Wilson,Philippe Starck,Azzedine Alaia,Rei Kawakubo sau Zaha Hadid.

miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009
Madonna-take a bow
Hide behind your smile,all the world loves a clown
Just make 'em smile the whole world loves a clown
Wish you well,I cannot stay
You deserve an award for the role that you played role that you played
marți, 24 noiembrie 2009
Jack.The Ripper
duminică, 22 noiembrie 2009
My favourite Abba lyrics
I don't wanna talk
About the things we've gone through
Though it's hurting me
Now it's history
I've played all my cards
And that's what you've done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play
The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
That's her destiny
I was in your arms
Thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense
Building me a fence
Building me a home
Thinking I'd be strong there
But I was a fool
Playing by the rules
miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2009
Winter 2009-2010
Female fashion gets mannish. A masculine tailored blazer becomes one of the season’s key pieces. Typical men’s fabrics like tweed enter a woman’s wardrobe in the form of shift dresses and jackets.Thanks to Marc Jacobs and the like, a strong disco-diva vibe is back to our wardrobes. Vibrant colors, sequined skirts, leather jackets, graphic tees and large polka dots – you can find inspiration in old 80s music videos and filmsGo back to the retro look with French chic – cinched waists are present in both casual wear and outerwear. Get ready to see belted coats, skirts and trousers.

marți, 17 noiembrie 2009
luni, 16 noiembrie 2009
vineri, 13 noiembrie 2009
miercuri, 11 noiembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2009
Fuck I loved you!
God damn I loved how hard you destroyed my brain and made my senses numb with little spazams of fake delight. Yeah-delight it a good way to explain it. You truly were my earthly delight.
Borrowed feelings intimidate me

Someone told me that it's not good to fall in love, love hurts. Hurts as hell..and then..you become pathetic! In time you become stronger but you need a lot of steps in order to succed that. All the pretty stuff,at one moment, you'll keep them just for yourself, you get to a so-told detachment..to a spiritual maturity.. You look around, you start to run a saw on feelings "I don't love him. I don't care anymore" like you're waiting for the same end- it won't last! nothing lasts! the communication with others becomes cold and in every discussion related to 'him' you get pissed of and you react more impulsivly like ever. You realize that the persons you are with have absolutely no blame in what he did to you. You hate living through your memories, it's like admiting you have a certain weakness for him..of which you can't get rid of, but which you hide so well, or at least, that's what you're trying to do with all your strenght.
Everything will pass. It's just a matter of time.
Everything will pass. It's just a matter of time.
vineri, 6 noiembrie 2009
You, nextie, please do all that!

joi, 5 noiembrie 2009
Watch out
Watch out your mean thoughts and actions.
Watch out your hate and your envy.
Because what goes around comes around and you might suck the cook of karma.
Watch out your hate and your envy.
Because what goes around comes around and you might suck the cook of karma.
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